Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Language plays an important role in the communication development and the learning of other languages ​​as it is considered that culture has a significant relationship with the language because through it we gain knowledge about the different cultures that exist around the world, we could also say that acquiring a new language opens up the opportunity to learn about the differences that each culture in order to have better learning opportunities and employment since language strongly influences of globalization and the different cultures that each nation. The language has a great influence on teaching and learning for achieving common goals and improve the quality and efficiency of educational programs to promote academic mobility in order to provide a valuable education in order that students and people looking for a better future have note that one of the ways in which they could be professional and work success is closer to new cultural environments in which they are acquiring greater learning and improving relationships between different cultures and have more progress as each one of us have different customs and different ways to interact with others through communication is a medium which is considered sociocultural and linking different cultures with a purpose which is to communicate through language either symbolic or oral.
should also be noted that it is important to learn and acquire language skills which compare your own common cultural environment in another country and thus be aware of the diversity that exists in the world and enrich our language and know how our culture perceives elsewhere recognizing that globalization opens the door for the acquisition of higher learning other languages ​​because the language is regarded as a sociocultural phenomenon evolving to meet the demands of its use in communication, not only a major aspect culture , but a means to access cultural events.
The importance of developing this competition is that it is a challenge for expatriate workers and students who face a globalized world is how to function successfully in a new cultural environment, in a country with different values, different opportunities and skills today day skills in intercultural communication is one of the main characteristics for success.

Culture is not used to the life of a country to its way of interacting, it is the growth and processing staff, good culture student learns to build intercultural bridges and eventually becomes a new cultural person.

Socio cultural survived competition helps to achieve success in a global society increasingly more interdependiente.la sociocultural competence is the ability to behave appropriately in specific situations to choose the right form of social etiquette, to decode the social code partner, use a different vocabulary.


Language has been associated as a system of code made up by words and compounds by rules, Language is rather a social practice, dynamic and open for different purposes such as in education and communication. Language encompasses a wide range of social and individually activities. 

Language is more than grammar and vocabulary, it’s a social practice of meaning-making and interpretation, and also it’s necessary to know the context and how to communicate with others.
Language in education is everything about curriculum, planning and classroom pedagogies. It shows that language is not mechanic, and it’s affected by the environment and social culture. Language is the medium to convey the essence of the human being, unless we use telepathy.
The definition of culture as language, it very complex and their definition doesn’t fit in one definition. Culture is all about art, places, symbols, events, ways of living, and rules of living.
Learning has to do with memorization, perception, and language coding. There are different theories such as behaviorism, cognitivist, and sociocultural.
Communication and socialization play an important role in the existence of men, we learn through socialization new experiences and inputs to grow and expand the perspective.

Mass of people moving around the world is not nothing new, but now is called globalization, countries and cultures are closer than ever, internet unify people from the other side of the world, there are not limitations to communicate and interact with other people. Sociocultural competence helps students achieve goals and grow as a global citizen, understand cultures and destroy racism, interact with people according to theirs rules and culture, norms of behavior and knowledge of national culture.

The importance of the development of students’ sociocultural competence at the Kazakh-American Free University” By: Yezhitskaya Svetlana

-To be a successful person nowadays, we must go through a process of personal growth and cultural transformation. To achieve this, we skills in intercultural communication are necessary.

-The notion of “Sociocultural competence” varies from according to the author. In general we can state that it refers to “the ability to behave appropriately in the specific situations, to choose the appropriate form of social etiquette, to decode the social code of the partner, to use different vocabulary, to understand the meanings of the words in the definite context, etc.”

-The CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) states various elements included in the sociocultural competence, these are: attitudes, knowledge, skills of interpreting and relating, skills of discovery and interaction, and critical cultural awareness/political education.

-How can we achieve sociocultural competence? For this, we have to lower our defenses, take risks, and practices behaviors that may feel unfamiliar and uncomfortable. It requires a flexible mind, an open heart, and a willingness to accept alternative perspectives.

-Language acquisition is a key point in developing the sociocultural competence.

-Developing the sociocultural competence also opens many doors for students, especially in the economical, political and educational labor world. Students can be trained to be translators, to work in global companies, to actively participate in world conferences, etc.

-As English teachers, we should ask ourselves if in the Teaching Programs we offer, we give our students “sufficient knowledge and skills in cross-cultural communication in order to adjust properly to a new culture or multicultural environment, to be able to establish interpersonal relations within the culturally different community, and to behave adequately in some cross-cultural situations”.

chili sauce, suckling pig, tripe, pipitoria, chicken stew, rice with chicken Creole, rib broth, valluno shampoos, paisa tray, seafood casserole, pandebono, veal plains, canelazo beans with chicharron, donuts.

National Bagpipe Festival, Wayuu Culture Festival, Festival of Flowers,
Devil's Carnival, Carnaval del Fuego, Folk Festival, Pacific Festival
Festival of the Sun and Steel.


People demonstrating integrity, respect and teamwork equipo.Gente energetic, enthusiastic, and the value for liderar.Gente building relationships based on doing the right thing

Colombian people believe in dreams, have different religions believe in omens called, myths and legends.

bambuco, cumbia, vallenato.


Apple Pie (apple pie), Brownies, Buffalo meat, Cheeseburger, Cheesesteak, Cornbread, cotton candy, donuts, fortune cookies, hot dog, peanut butter, french fries, popcorn, turkey and Thanksgiving the famous Twinkie.

In united states parties as party held in honor of Martin Luther King Day American war veterans and common festivals celebrated in other countries like the evolution of the mother, father, ect.

Individuality, privacy, equality, time, informality, Achievement & work / play hard.
Baptistas, Metodistas, Luteranos, católicos, Presbiterianos, Mormones etc.

Personal relationship
Eggs, olive oil, salad, lamb, meat, pomegranates, figs, bread, fish.
Passover, Shavuot, Yom Teruah, rosh Hashanah (año Nuevo September) Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hanukkah, and purim.
Men and women in military forces, women uses veils, family are together, men don’t kiss women when they greet each other.
The seven Jewish values; Respect, peace in the home, in God’s image, communal responsibility, guarding one’s using of language, love your neighbor as yourself, and solidarity.
Jews believe in the Torah and as the base and rules for their lives. The people of Israel are the chosen one of all the nations in the world.
Jews are resilient, positive and blessed by God, they work hard and expect the messiah.

Personal relationship
Ham, bacon, morcilla, turtle, rabbit, mote de queso, Mondongo, Ajiaco, changua and tamales.
Carnaval de Barranquilla, la batalla de Flores, el festival Vallenato, las fiestas de Cali, las corridas de Toro, año nuevo (Enero 1).
Happiness, partier, they like to visit the family, they hug and kiss women on greetings,.
Moral values, individually and isolated, responsibility, determination to win, religious faith and tolerance.
Colombian believes in the whole Bible, there are catholics, Christians, and others.
Colombian are workers, competitives, most of them are not resilient, they are negative sometimes and let other coutries explote the resources.


CODIGO 1065588100

CODIGO 1140820114



*      Diaz Beltrán, A. (2013). Language and Culture: Course Syllabus and Presentations. UNAD

Diaz Beltrán, A. (2013). Language and Culutre: Course Syllabus and Presentations. UNAD

Svetlana, Yezhitskaya. (2011). The importance of the development of students’ sociocultural competence at the Kazakh-American Free University. Journal No3. http://www.kafu-academic-journal.info/journal/3/71/

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